Putter Options
Mallet-Style Vs. Blade-Style Putter
Mallet-style putters are often preferred by golfers with a pendulum-type putting stroke. The putter head moves straight back and straight through, always square to the ball. To aid the pendulum action, mallet putters are usually heavier than blade-style putters.
The metal perimeter of the M11 mallet putter provides a stable and balanced feel plus a large forgivable sweet spot.
Blade-style putters are preferred by golfers who have an arc-shaped putting stroke. The putter opens on the way back, squares up at impact, and closes on the follow through (inside-square-inside). Blade putters are typically heavier at the toe than the heel.
The heel and toe weighting of the B11 blade putter communicate a solid feel with exceptional feedback.
Putter Length
There are no rules for what length putter you should use. Some like to bend over and be close to the ball, and others like to stand more upright. You should use what feels comfortable for you.
If you have a putter that feels correct use the diagram to measure the length. If you do not know what length to choose here are some guidelines to help. Grab a ball and a yard stick (or another putter). On a carpet with your golf shoes on take your putting stance and hold the stick as you would your putter. Typically the ball and the bottom of the stick should be directly below your eyes. Mark the point on the stick that is level with the wrist of your top hand. Now measure from this point to the bottom of the stick. This is your putter length. You may want to do this several times and take an average.
If you want a length that is not listed on the order form, specify it in the Special Instructions section.

Cocobolo, Pink Ivory, Koa, and More
These exotic woods have been selected for their beauty, durability, and stability. All are very dense (considerably harder than oak) and will not dent from ball strikes even after years of use. They are also nonporous and resistant to moisture. Several other types of wood can be used if they are stabilized. If you have a special request contact CP, and we will let you know if it is possible. Please refer to Putter Care for additional information about the use and maintenance of hybrid metal/wood putters.
Cocobolo will appeal to those who love the look, feel, and sound of wood. It has beautiful grain and can contain many colors that typically include red, brown, orange, and sometimes purple. The wood is naturally oily making it practically immune from moisture, and it is noted for having pleasing acoustical qualities. Cocobolo gives great feedback when striking the golf ball. Janka hardness is 2960. (For reference, the Janka hardness of oak is 1300)
Pink ivory is a strikingly pink and highly treasured rare wood from Africa that is known as the "royal wood" of the Zulus. As a result, its use was once rumored to be restricted to royalty only – which only served to increase its desirability and price. Select pink ivory if you love the look and want a solid but soft feel to your putts. Janka hardness is 2320. (For reference, the Janka hardness of oak is 1300)
Koa, ebony, purple heart, bubinga, and several other woods can be used if stabilized. Stabilization is a process of impregnating wood with resin. Contact CP if you have a unique wood you would like to use in your putter.

Polymer Grips in Stock
Golf Pride Pistol Grip standard (black)
WINN Excel Medalist Pistol Grip standard (black)
WINN Excel Medalist Pistol Grip midsize (black)
WINN Excel Medalist Pistol Grip jumbo (black)
Other grips available upon request. Please allow extra time for order.
Leather Grips in Stock
The Grip Master™ Cabretta Leather (black)
The Grip Master™ Cabretta Leather (pink)